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【homerun!】被美中「文明衝突論」The Clash of Civilizations所包圍的台灣

/ 楊憲宏



自今年三月以來,美國國務院不斷的重新定義美中之間的關係,3月13日,對於中共入侵新疆維吾爾族並關押百萬人於集中營迫害之惡劣,國務院官員以1930年代德國納粹來相提並論,國務院民主人權與勞工事務局(State's Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor )的大使Michael Kozak說,“You haven't seen things like this since the 1930s,”“Of rounding up — some estimations are in the millions of people — and then putting them into camps, and torturing them, abusing them, and trying to basically erase their culture and their religion and so on from their DNA. It is just remarkably awful.”國務卿Pompeo補充說,中共迫害人權的狀態已到了史上無人能比的慘況。“And it is not just the Uighurs, ” "The government also is increasing its persecution against Christians, Tibetans, and anyone who espouses different views from those of government or advocates change in government," Pompeo 說,"China is in a league of its own when it comes to human rights violations."




就在他們說話的同時,美國務院的國際宗教自由無任所大使Sam Brownback在香港與台灣參與印太地區宗教自由會議,他以中共「向信仰宣戰」"war on faith."定位世界面臨中共的威脅。


3月底,國務院發表年度人權報告,再次以中共侵害人權已擴大出其國界,包括危及台灣民主。“China represents a threat to our continued democracy,” 國務卿Pompeo 以美國民主的持續性已受到威脅來結論。“This is a great power battle and we're engaged in it across the world,”國務卿Pompeo是在眾議院外交委員會上報告。他明白說,美中關係是在全球都遭遇到挑戰。不但在經濟或間諜問題上,而且連美國支持台灣的議題都有了威脅。(The competition ranges across economic and espionage threats, as well as American support for Taiwan)


這些談話都代表著,美國正在進行自1980年代以來最大的外交變革。也就是美國不再容忍中共這種邪惡入侵。只是這個新的戰略深度到底要放在什麼樣的位置,假想敵一類的思維,可能都不夠來武裝美國的民主價值。去年10月4日美國副總統彭斯在哈德遜研究中心的演講已表達了攻勢外交的企圖,他要求中共未來與美國的關係要建立在「自由,公平,互相」(free, fare, reciprocal),川普政府不會妥協,不會容忍,任何違背承諾的作為。這是五月逆襲的根本道理,美國不再受騙,中國的偷拐搶騙,不會得逞。




如果只從貿易或科技戰來探查美中之間的關係,可能無法完全了解這場鬥而不破的新冷戰到底是為何而戰?答案出來了。4月30日國務卿Mike Pompeo的團隊打出一張過去沒有見過的牌。這是美國歷史上首次出現的大戰略,“a fight with a really different civilization” 不同文明之間的戰鬥,不但是文明不同,意識型態也不同。(This is a fight with a really different civilization and a different ideology and the United States hasn't had that before,) 這是美國國務院政策計劃部主任史金納(Kiron Skinner, the director of policy planning at the State Department), 在華府一次安全論壇上的談話。


史金納女士是一名哈佛大學出身的黑人學者。她的團隊在發展一個美中關係新理論,她稱之為 “Letter X”,這是源自1947年當年她的部門前輩 George Kennan, 的一封發表在外交季刊上的不署名「長電報」的作法,George Kennan,為美國定調了二戰後的圍堵政策( containment strategy)。可是面對今天中國,史金納說,China poses a unique challenge, because the regime in Beijing is not a child of Western philosophy and history.她認為北京完全知道西方的戰略與思考,所以設計獨特的挑戰。美國不能不小心面對。因為中國不同於當年的蘇聯。她甚至提醒,“It is the first time that we will have a great power competitor that is not Caucasian.”美國第一次遭遇到非白人的霸權對抗。她認為中國已是世界長期的威脅,而這是過去幾十年,美國人沒有料到的全球性問題。“We see it as a more fundamental long-term threat,” “In China, we have an economic competitor, we have an ideological competitor, one that really does seek a global reach that many of us didn't expect a couple of decades ago....I think we have to take the rose-colored glasses off and get real about the nature of the threat”這個說法被清楚的冠上了,”The Clash of Civilizations”文明的衝突。


在文明衝突論之下,史金納認為貿易並非最大的問題,她表示美國應看得更深更廣,美國需要更底層的論述來支持未來的對中政策 (a Letter X for China)。“Trade is not the only problem and maybe not the biggest in the long run with China,” “But we're now looking more deeply and broadly at China. And, I think State is in the lead in that broader attempt to get something like a Letter X for China, what Kennan wrote. You can't have a policy without an argument underneath it.”


史金納更提示,人權的要求已經不足以來對抗中國的議題,雖然當年,美國以開放及人權政策讓蘇聯崩潰,但這一套在中國不管用。(that human rights arguments might not be as useful against China as they were against the Soviet Union,It was a really important Western concept that opened the door really to undermine the Soviet Union, a totalitarian state, on human rights principles,” “That's not really possible with China.” )。






台灣正忙著政治內戰,很少人注意到這個全球巨變式的發展,而且在整個國務院三月以來的論述,台灣都是被這個「文明衝突論」所包圍。中共以及他的同路人都立即反擊,這些反擊其實是哀鳴,他們知道,一旦美國是以文明衝突論來定位與中共之間的全球戰,未來的美國將演出的不再是過去四十年來的山姆大叔倫理劇,而是復仇者聯盟結合Star wars的對抗外星文明的戰絕地武士連續劇。



示意圖製作-放言視覺設計部 劉安書

